Hi, everyone (or noone, as the case may be)! Sorry that I haven't been posting in, like, forever. I kinda let the whole blogging thing slide last October. Well, I've decided to get back on the horse (we're on break for the next 8 days, so it seemed like an opportune time). Since I can't think of another topic to post about, I'll write about the break and my plans!
One of the strange things about Germany is its diverse religious history- even today, public holidays are different from state to state depending on whether the area is historically Protestant or Catholic. A good example is the month of May. In historically Protestant states, such as Brandenburg, school and life goes on as usual (I think). In historically Catholic states, however, such as here in Baden-Württemberg (well, Baden at least is historically Catholic), the whole month is shot. First, there's a Thursday off for Christi Himmelfahrt (Ascension), then a week off for Pfingsten (Pentacost), followed by another Thursday off for Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi). Ergo, my Latin class (which meets on Thursday mornings) is only meeting twice in the very merry month of May.
So, what am I going to do with all my free time! Well, as mentioned above, I'm going to try to blog (at least two or three times this week). I've also got oodles of work to do! (Yay!) This involves researchig and writing a first draft for a medieval history paper, reading Euripides' Iphigenia at Tauris (in German), and figuring out topics for my three other term papers! Oh and also work editing a book. In my free time (falls es überhaupt gibt) I plan on doing some exploring of the region. I may go to Schauinsland, and plan on going into Alsace. Wednesday I'm going on a tour and wine tasting with a friend and his family at the Badischer Weinbauverband, which is just a few block from where I live. I'll try to remember to put up pictures of all this stuff, as well as some stuff from last semester.
Until then, here's a picture of a mechanical elephant I rode on last October in Nantes. An elephant never forgets, the way I will never forget to write new posts. Except this is a mechanical elephant so it probably can't remember anything, the way I probably won't remember to post as much as I should. Bis bald!
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